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Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…

FIFA 16 – Vanishing Spray Gameplay

The vanishing spray made popular during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil has finally made it to the video game franchise. Check out this gameplay clip of the magical spray in action.

Life is Strange: Episode Five Achievement guide

Here we are, friends. It’s time for the conclusion to Life is Strange‘s five-episode arc. I’m writing this prior to playing, and I have no idea what to expect. But, we’ll go out just like we started, and that’s by…

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below

Blighted by the night, vanquishing the plight by the children of the light. No video game character conveys endearment and sadism in a single expression as well as the Blue Slimes. In Dragon Quest Heroes: The World’s Tree Woe and…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…

Oh my god, the graphics in this Fallout 4 trailer are incredible

But clearly this has all been a ruse, because if this latest trailer is any indication, Fallout 4 might just be the best-looking game this year. I mean, that looks more gorgeous and realistic than even The Witcher 3. Fallout…

Yoshi’s Woolly World – So Many Patterns Trailer

Find all five Wonder Wools in each level of Yoshi’s Woolly World to unlock different patterned Yoshi’s like these!

PES 2016 pushes out FIFA 2016 UEFA Champions League rights

Pro Evolution Soccer signs deal with UEFA securing full rights to feature UEFA competitions in PES 2016. Konami has secured another deal with UEFA for its Pro Evolution Soccer series which will ensure that PES 2016, and not FIFA 16,…

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 PS4 trailer is like slapping raw chicken breasts about

Costco no longer sells its bulk chicken breasts in individually wrapped two-breast packs. Now it’s just a giant plastic sack full of chicken breasts. Imagine: me, you, and some friends. We each grab a couple breasts and proceed to have…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…